Sunday, March 31, 2013

New infamous game

A new infamous game has been announced and a new trailer has been revealed. The name of this game is inFAMOUS: Second Son. This game is set to be around 7 years after the ending of infamous 2. The protagonist of this game is Delsin Rowe, he doesn't seem to have electrical powers like cole did in the first 2 games. Delsin Rowe seems to have the power to transform into smoke, control and manipulate trash,objects, throw fire balls, disintegrate others and him self and some other powers. He also seems to have a chain that he uses as weapon with the combination of his powers.

If you haven't finished inFAMOUS 2 or you are planning on playing it, you should stop reading now, because the following information could ruin you the game story. Now this has been mentioned, lets continue with this. The games is set to be seven years after the ending of inFAMOUS 2, when cole dies, because he sacrificed himself to defeat the thread he was facing. Since the previous inFAMOUS games we know that people like cole and Delsin that have the ability to control certain powers like controlling the trash, the electricity and more depending on the person, are called conductors.

There was a lot of rumors of what would the people of sucker punch be working on, because there has been announced that they were working on something, and some guest it could be a ps vita game, a movie, a console game, and it seems some rumors were right. This game has been announced to be released for the next-gen playstation, the PlayStation 4, we can see this at the end of the trailer. If this is true we can expect a next-gen inFAMOUS game in the upcoming years, once the next-gen consoles have been released.

inFAMOUS: Second Son Trailer:

What are your thoughts about this game? It seems inFAMOUS: Second Son has the potential to be a great game and a great installment to the inFAMOUS franchise. If the developers of this game exploit the power and abilities the PS4 has then they can make a great game out of this. People have been asking for another inFAMOUS game, so here is the chance for them to make a good impact to the previous inFAMOUS fans and the chance to get more people get to know and play this game.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Grand Theft Auto 5

Grand Theft Auto 5 was originally going to be released around March, but for some reason they delayed it, now the release date is September 17, 2013. This Grand Theft Auto game will have 3 different protagonists, that will have different stories, but these stories will have a relation between each other. The names of the 3 protagonists are: Michael, Trevor and Franklin.

Grand Theft Auto 5 will try to improve many of the aspects that have been introduced in previous games. Another impressive thing that this game promises, is that the developers mentioned that the map for this game will be bigger than the maps of Red Dead Redemption, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and Grand Theft Auto 4 combined. With this information, we can imagine about how big will the map for this game could possibly be, which seems to be a huge map. There will be many kind of activities spread through all the map, including skydiving, climbing, exploring mountains, driving water vehicle, using planes, military bases and more.

Since there are 3 main characters, you are going to be using the 3 of them through all the game, but in different missions and in different moments. This will help the 3 stories to connect and have more relation between the characters and their stories. This is based on the story mode, but while you are free roaming you can change between these 3 characters to explore the world. Another thing that has been added to the game is the underwater gameplay. Now we are going to be able to go underwater, some ways and pictures there have been about this is while scuba diving and in a submarine.

There has been also many highlights in the areas the map will contain, areas like mountains, ocean, wilderness, deserts, military bases, and more areas. Another element that has been improved is the environment and the weather. The environment will include aspects like clouds, lightning, details depending if its the wilderness, mountains, streets or other places. For the weather there has been improvements in aspects like lightnings, rain, how ocean water is affected depending on the actual weather, the change in the physics while using vehicles including cars, planes, boats, bikes and more depending on the weather.

This game has a lot of potential to be a huge release, and even more now that the next-gen consoles are around the corner. Hopefully this game will use all of the current generation consoles power, and will show some of the capabilities for the next-gen consoles. This game has been announced for the Xbox 360 and the PS3, they haven't mentioned anything about the next-gen consoles, but hopefully in the future they will release more details about that.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Get ready, because Big Boss is back, a new game is in its way. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain has been announced recently. The time period of the game is around 1983.

The game has just been announced, and there is not much information about it yet, but for now, if we take the into account the time period this gaming is going to have, we can see it's almost between the Metal Gear Solid timeline. This means after Snake Eater, Peace Walker, and some others, and also before Guns of the Patrios, Metal Gear, Metal Gear 2 and some others. 

Based on the information that has been released, we can see that this game could explain what happend between the games Ground Zeroes (1974) and Metal Gear (1995), explaining what happened between those years. Ground Zeroes is also set to be a prologue to Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain, which could explain and show many details about this new release.

In the trailer we can see it shows many scenes of Big Boss in the hospital and how he is trying to scape, also like some dream or fantasy scenes he may be having. Also including some scenes of Big Boss in action, maybe before or after he was taking to the hospital because of his injuries. Those could be some possibilities based on the trailer and the information we have now. There is still much information that needs to get revealed.

Hopefully further information will reveal details like, why is Big Boss in the hospital? Why can't he move? Who is trying to kill him? Why are they trying to kill him? How did he lost his arm? and more questions so we can have a better perspective about this game.

Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag

The next release of the Assassin's Creed franchise, Assassin's Creed Black Flag. This game is set in 1715 in the Caribbean, with a pirate character, which is Edward Kenway. Edward Kenway is the Father of Haytham Kenway, and the grandfather of Connor Kenway. Edward Kenway is a pirate trained by assassins, but with his own goals, which are to achieve fame and power, he does not follow the same goals the Assassin's order do, how could this affect his story line?

The naval fights have been updated and polished, to make now a better and more complete version for this pirates plot. This game will also include huge maps with a lot of environment to explore, with the change that the whole map will be now load at once, to prevent those loading screen that broke the flow of the game. Another element that has been polished, is swimming, now we are going to have more mobility while in the water, including the option to go underwater.

There has also been news about islands being spread through the world, allowing the player to explore each island and find what secrets, treasures, mysteries it has. As for the ship and ocean gameplay, there has also been announced the hunting of sea animals, like the hunting that was previously used in Assassin's Creed 3, but in the ocean and with new aspects to adapt to this environment. 

The game is set to release for PC, PS4, PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U and Mac, they haven't mentioned anything about the next-gen xbox. 

This new game promises many improvements to the Assassin's Creed franchise and gameplay as how we know it today. Let's hope Ubisoft knows what they are doing to make of this game, a great Assassin's Creed experience!

Battlefield 4

Get ready for the next battlefield game! Battlefield, a FPS game that has been out for many years and has had many success will be releasing its new game of this franchise. Battlefield 4 has been announced, and is set to be released around autumn 2013.

The developers of this game, EA, told there will be a huge variety as for the multiplayer mode. For the single player mode they are trying to incorporate the ability to direct squad members, being able to be play in huge environments at once and with the least interruption, being able to use many vehicles spread through the map, and more things. As for now, EA didn't mentioned something about the next-gen consoles, but they did say that this game is set to be launched for the PC, Xbox 360 and the PS3.

Check out the following trailer:

Lets hope more information about this game gets revealed real soon!