The next release of the Assassin's Creed franchise, Assassin's Creed Black Flag. This game is set in 1715 in the Caribbean, with a pirate character, which is Edward Kenway. Edward Kenway is the Father of Haytham Kenway, and the grandfather of Connor Kenway. Edward Kenway is a pirate trained by assassins, but with his own goals, which are to achieve fame and power, he does not follow the same goals the Assassin's order do, how could this affect his story line?
The naval fights have been updated and polished, to make now a better and more complete version for this pirates plot. This game will also include huge maps with a lot of environment to explore, with the change that the whole map will be now load at once, to prevent those loading screen that broke the flow of the game. Another element that has been polished, is swimming, now we are going to have more mobility while in the water, including the option to go underwater.
There has also been news about islands being spread through the world, allowing the player to explore each island and find what secrets, treasures, mysteries it has. As for the ship and ocean gameplay, there has also been announced the hunting of sea animals, like the hunting that was previously used in Assassin's Creed 3, but in the ocean and with new aspects to adapt to this environment.
The game is set to release for PC, PS4, PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U and Mac, they haven't mentioned anything about the next-gen xbox.
This new game promises many improvements to the Assassin's Creed franchise and gameplay as how we know it today. Let's hope Ubisoft knows what they are doing to make of this game, a great Assassin's Creed experience!
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