The Soul Sacrifice Demo for the PS Vita has been out for about 3 days and the game in general looks very promising, but is it really worth the wait? Is it what we were expecting? Well, if you have a doubt about how good is the Soul Sacrifice Demo check out this review to know more about this game.
The story of the game is kind of explained in the demo, I wont go into much details for the story to prevent spoilers and ruining the experience. In the game you are a sorcerer that has been captured by an evil sorcerer that makes a lot of sacrifices to improve himself. While you are captured you meet with a talking magic book that belongs to this sorcerer and you are trying to explore the information it has within it to be able to know more about this sorcerer and be able to escape. In general the story seems really deep once you get into the game, also taking into account this is jus the demo.
Now for the gameplay, the gameplay is really impressive. First of all you are able to create you own character which a fair amount of options. Once you are done with this you are able to continue with the story. There is a lot of variety of things to do, upgrade, weapons to choose, options to change and more things to do out of the battle, once you are getting ready to start the mission. The fighting during the fights are really good, there are many kind of weapons that have different effects that really change the way you play the game. There are long/short range weapons, casts, throwing spells, summons, transformations, sacrifices and more that make the gameplay have a lot of options to play in different modes.
The graphics for the game are really good, even though this game if for a portable device, it has great graphics. The game has many details in general like in the environments, you character, the spells the monsters, the magic book and in more things that make the game look good. Also the cinematics are well made and the quality is good.
This game has a lot to offer since the demo, the multiplayer option is available since the demo and its really good. There is a lot of variety and liberty for the multiplayer gameplay, you are also able to play with many sorcerers and do missions that need many sorcerers or you can do many things depending on what you would like to do.
PS Vita capabilities
This game uses the capabilities the PS Vita has to offer, and the use of these feel good and smooth to the gameplay. It doesn't feel forced, like to have the need to include this capabilities like if it was an obligation. These capabilities are used in cool ways that make feel the game smooth like for example, turning the pages of the magic book, interact with the book in general, move the camera while you are exploring the place where you are being kept, cast some spells, and some other ways.
Story - 5/5
Gameplay - 5/5
Graphics - 5/5
Multiplayer - 5/5
PS Vita capabilities - 5/5
Final result: 5/5
In general this game has a lot to offer, and even though it took sometime to get here it was worth it because it seems like the developers of this game really worked hard to make a great game for the PS Vita. Also taking into account all the things this game has to offer and it just the demo, this means that we can get more things in the full game.
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